all i want is a moon upon a stick
(about me)
before this
Last summer, I sold almost everything I owned and drove back to PA after 13 years in Minneapolis. It was very hard leaving my friends, but also sort of an inspired decision, one of those things that doesn't make a ton of logical sense but you just know you have to do it. (I don't regret it.)
before that
Before that, I'd spent several post-collegiate years maneuvering through 'corporate America' until I rediscovered my passion for design. I started an online shop selling mid-century and antique furniture and decor. Later, I got into restoration and more creative furniture design. It was really fun, until I became a minimalist and needed to lighten my load.
I'm currently stationed in Reading,PA doing some writing, marketing work, and making pretty things with brass and rocks. I have no idea what's next, and I like it that way. Though I do hope there are yurts in my future.
(Even just one yurt...)
values, etc
I believe in the inherent worth and goodness of all people. I try to take only what I need. I believe in the power of compassion, honesty, and courage. "Success", to me, means living with an open heart, accepting myself and others, and showing up authentically in my life and relationships. There is nothing more important.
A couple of my friends think I might be an alien. I take no offense to that. I'm into all things celestial, holistic, and ethereal...and I love playing with big ideas and challenging convention. I am a dreamer to my core. "Be realistic" is really not a phrase that has any meaning to me at this point.
Twelve Twelve started because I wanted to send handmade xmas presents to my friends back in Minneapolis. It evolved into. both a vital creative outlet and a step in the direction of a fully integrated life. (Though I will say it was several months before this stopped running through my head nonstop.)
Free thought
Thom Yorke
Outer space
Inner space
String lights
some goals
give less unsolicited advice
do yoga more consistently
start the blog
visit the Bosnian pyramids
visit the Egyptian pyramids
become a better listener
sleep outside more
stop interrupting people
buy fewer bottles of water
be less of a perfectionist
actually finally learn to play guitar